Jakob Palmstierna | Financial Times Live 


Video title: Jakob Palmstierna | Financial Times Live 



From within the industry. The one thing that we are looking at is to say this actually has nothing to do with crypto. This has everything to do with traditional excess leverage, greed, lack of transparency and in some cases outright fraud. 


But there are certain learnings, particularly sort of what you do with your own token and misappropriation of customer funds and stuff to to learn from. But I think it’s been sad because in 2022 all the focus has been on venues and traders and very little focus has been on the actual underlying technology of digital assets and there hasn’t been a debunk of the promise of that technology. 


So I think today, maybe on a positive note, we’ve seen a lot of that excess leverage coming out of the system but there are still a lot of exciting stuff being built in the system. 


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